Nutrition is foremost in the mind of Seema David, founder and Executive Director of 5n2 when it comes to the preparation of the meals we serve to our clients. Her vision to provide fresh and hot food to those in need in the community has expanded to include Meals2U and 5n2 Food Pantry in its offerings.
There is enough food in Canada to feed its population however, not everyone has easy access to nutritious food nor can they afford to purchase it. The pandemic has exacerbated a problem that already existed which has been compounded by rising food prices, and for some, loss of income. We don’t all have a SUV to get into to drive to our favourite grocery or big box stores, to buy the freshest produce, protein etc., and to also have the means to afford it all! HFI (Household Food Insecurity) is an acronym to remember as we think of neighbours and strangers less fortunate than us who must make those hard decisions due to financial constraints when they go shopping for food. There are complex systemic issues related to poverty impacting nutrition from the very young to the elderly which need to be addressed at a national level.
For guidance on nutrition, you can check out Canada’s food guide which focuses on eating habits and provides recommendations on food choices. The Guide encourages Canadians to eat a variety of healthy foods each day, be mindful of their eating habits, cook more often, enjoy their food, and eat meals with others. In order to reflect Canada’s diversity, the Food Guide Snapshot is available in 31 languages, including nine Indigenous languages. Did you know the most popular recipe in 2019 was the Guide’s version of mac and cheese?
We may not be able to solve Canada’s poverty problem but we can make a small change by providing nutritious meals for our clients.
“There ain’t no point in making soup unless others eat it. Soup needs another mouth to taste it, another heart to be warmed by it.”
― Kate DiCamillo, The Tale of Despereaux